Take part in the 2021 Survey of Social Skateboarding Projects Worldwide!

It’s the time again – Skateistan and Pushing Boarders are calling on all social skate projects to participate in our 4th annual survey of social skateboarding worldwide

Your responses will help us to gather a picture of the global social skateboarding scene and show how our impact continues to grow each year! 

Last year, 117 social skateboarding projects worldwide filled in the survey, and we hope to hear from even more this year!

With Covid-19 continuing to disrupt the world, we feel that 2021 has been about overcoming challenges and adapting to changes. In this year’s survey, we want to get a picture of how different challenges have affected the social skateboarding community and how you have managed them, so please answer questions based on your project’s situation in the past 12 months.

If you need encouragement, here are three good reasons to take part in the survey:

  1.  Your project will be added to the map of social skateboarding! The Goodpush map shows who is working in which countries, helping all of us to connect with each other. 
  2. The results will be shared online so you can learn more about other projects. Each year, the survey results are published (see our 2020 report) so that the information is accessible to everyone.
  3. The data helps social skate projects to get support and the resources they need. Previous survey results have helped to shape the Goodpush Toolkit, our webinars, funding opportunities, equipment donations, and other support activities.
Do the survey now button