I'm pretty sure every social skate projects worldwide has been affected by the pandemic and the lockdowns that are in place to slow down the spread of the virus. Obviously, most of us are used to doing face-to-face programming.
How if your project adapting to the #stayhome situation?
Please share any resources or links that you think other social skate projects could use with their own participants!
At Goodpush, we're working on putting together simple resources that can be used at home. Some example so far are:
- Skate Trick Cards (printer required)
- Dream Skatepark worksheet (can print or do activity on separate piece of paper)
We've also found great resources like Women Skate the World's colouring sheets, and Skateboarding is Positive's free resources. Other organizations such as Skate Like a Girl are organizing virtual meetups.
Let us know what you're doing!
Right now Skateistan's Educators are starting out by focusing on phoning parents and assisting with mental health and wellness coping skills for families. For parents with WhatsApp we've made a group they can join and share news as well as curriculum support materials for their kids. In places with little access to Internet the staff are focusing on conference calls reaching several parents at once, and are setting up a parents council / club to help share messages in the community.
We are also starting to look at short, medium and long term plans so that we don't get overwhelmed trying to move all our curriculum into new formats for a short term closure. It's important to set some priorities right now and think about what's the best you can do right now for the kids you reach.
From the Harold Hunter Foundation, here's a great collection of resources for coaches, educators, parents and kids to help us get through these tough times. There's everything from virtual tours of art museums, to online dance and yoga classes and online learning here in the spreadsheet they've shared.
Educators who have some free time now from not teaching classes can take part in free online trainings, here are a few:
Future Learn - Future Learn offers free language classes and lessons on various education and community development topics.
Google for Education - These are free tools and tutorials for learning how to use Google tools like Hangouts, Tasks, Drive, and more.
Child Hub - Tons of quality webinars, classes and resources for supporting children.
Montessori - Peace Education - Montessori is a child centered education approach that uses experiential learning to support the child's development. This free introductory course relates to education for peace.
Goodpush Toolkit - In case you aren't in the know, this is Skateistan's own toolkit of resources we made to share with the social skate community. We have topics from Creative Education to MEL, and Organizational Governance, so there should be something here for everyone. Most pages have a video to watch too.
Project Fearless is a great non-profit based in Amsterdam that usually runs skate programs and more for girls. They have been putting out some awesome "at home" resources during these quarantine days, including weekly drawing challenges (linked below) and good short videos for staying active at home.
Project Fearless Weekly Challenges:
Newest Project Fearless challenge is to draw your own skateboard, inspired by our skate class zoom meeting.
Also a question:
WSTW has access to an indoor location in which we were supposed to start skate programming from April 1 onwards, obviously, this has been put on a hold, but I'm wondering whether there's something useful we could do with the location until the situation has calmed down. If anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear! Organised skateboarding will probably not be happening anytime before June 1st due to government measures, we don't have a big budget, but it would be such a shame to let the facility go to waste.
Hi Nanja, Depending on local lockdown guidelines you might be able to use the space as a pickup hub for emergency supplies (hygiene supplies, food, etc.) You could call a local homeless shelter about this and depending on what you're comfortable with you can also find out if they need space for people to sleep safely too.
Here's a great little how-to video from Free Movement for making a mini skateboard with cardboard. Looks easy and only requires materials that a lot of people would have around the house anyways.
Hey Talia, thanks! I’ve started connecting with the community to see what we can think off. As schools are partially re-opening we might try and see if we can help out in that field, by offering a program aimed towards educational support and a safe space to come to if home isn’t where you want to be.
Going to do some more research this week, if you guys have any advice or good reads on the topic, I’d love to hear.
Great to hear your updates Nanja. I'll keep my ear out for that type of activity. It sounds like homework help might be one aspect you could offer, which we might discuss a little in the Webinar tomorrow too.
NEON have put together a great list of tools and resources for our new online lives, particularly aimed at community and social justice organisers that could be great for a lot of skate projects now operating online:
Inspired by all the articles I've read about the benefits associated with writing/reading/memorizing/reciting poetry during the crisis period and any time really. Let me know if anyone wants to share skateboarding-themed poems created by your program participants with our participants and vice-versa! See lesson plan/curriculum for more details. My e-mail: susiehalsellbska@gmail.com
Files are best viewed when downloaded as a Word Doc.
Lesson Plan
Multi-Lesson Curriculum
Stay well!