
A more inclusive skatepark or project means that more people feel welcome to access the activities you run. There are many barriers to girls’ and women's inclusion in skateboarding, and this module aims to give an overview on what those barriers can look like, as well as how you design your programs to reach more women and girls.
Topics covered:
- An Introduction to Women & Girls' Inclusion
- Why Include Women and Girls?
- What Makes a Difference?
- How To Build A Women & Girls’ Skate Community At Your Project
- Special Events To Support Women And Girls’ Inclusion
- Goodpush Takeaway
- Summary and Final Quiz
Module duration: 1-1.5 hours (your progress will be tracked so you don't need to do this all at one time)
How to login for e-courses: Our e-courses are available for free to all registered members of If you already have an account, simply click the "Goodpush" button on the LearningLAB login page. If you don't have a Goodpush account yet, you can register here.