
If you want to provide the best possible skate programs, it’s essential to set goals and measure your progress. MEL helps you be accountable to those who support your work, as well as to your participants. We hope that by the end of this module you will have a better understanding of the following:

  • The benefits of qualitative (narrative/story based) MEL
  • What student stories are, how they benefit a project and how to write them
  • What observation-based MEL looks like and how to do it well

Topics covered:

  • An Introduction to Our Qualitative MEL Module
  • Student Stories of Growth
  • Observations 
  • How To Share Your Qualitative MEL
  • Summary and Final Quiz

Module duration: 1-1.5 hours (your progress will be tracked so you don't need to do this all at one time)

How to login for e-courses: Our e-courses are available for free to all registered members of If you already have an account, simply click the "Goodpush" button on the LearningLAB login page. If you don't have a Goodpush account yet, you can register here