
This online module provides an introduction and background to the topics of mental health and youth program design. It was designed specifically with sport for development programs in mind, but can be useful for anyone working with children and young people. 

Topics covered:

  • Why MindPower?
  • Mental Health 101
  • Understanding the Cognitive Model
  • Monitoring & Evaluation in Mental Health Programming
  • Final Quiz

Module duration: 1.5-2 hours (your progress will be tracked so you don't need to do this all at one time)

This module was developed by Waves4Change and Health Warriors, together with Skateistan's Goodpush Alliance, for our three-part MindPower e-course.

How to login for e-courses: Our e-courses are available for free to all registered members of If you already have an account, simply click the "Goodpush" button on the LearningLAB login page. If you don't have a Goodpush account yet, you can register here