Take part in the 2024 Survey of Social Skateboarding Projects Worldwide!

It’s that time again – Skateistan and Goodpush are calling on all social skate projects to participate in our 7th Annual Survey of Social Skateboarding Worldwide

Since 2018, we’ve been working to track the trends, changes and progress among hundreds of social skate projects around the world, and are excited to share a new-and-improved global survey of "skateboarding for good"!  

If you filled out the annual survey in past years, please fill it out again for 2024. This way, we can show how our community is progressing each year. Only one person per organization needs to fill the survey.


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This Year We're Collecting Shared Participant Impact Data for the 1st Time!

In this year’s survey, we’ve added a new section at the end to collect shared participant impact data for the very first time, based on the new Goodpush Collective Impact Framework. The Goodpush Theory of Change was developed by 50 organizations worldwide in 2024, and this year we're so excited to be able to use the Annual Survey of Social Skateboarding Worldwide as a shared data collection tool that will give insights into the combined positive changes our skate projects are making globally. 

To help you answer these participant impact questions, we’ve prepared a short participant survey template that any social skate project can use and adapt (download it here!). We recommend that you do this survey with your participants before you fill our Annual Survey, however you'll also be able to fill out the first section of the Annual Survey and go back and edit your answers at a later stage before the February 23 deadline. 

If you've already done your own participant survey for 2024, you'll likely be able to answer some of the new questions since they cover common benefits that social skateboarding projects are aiming to provide to their participants, such as feeling safe, learning new skills, friendship, etc. 

If you need encouragement, here are three good reasons to take part in the survey:

  1. Get put on the map! 
    Your project will be added to the map of social skateboarding! The Goodpush map shows who is working in which countries, helping all of us to connect with each other. (If you're already on the map, we're planning a big map update this year so it's also a chance to get your project details up-to-date). 
  2. Contribute to knowledge-sharing! 
    The results will be shared online so you can learn more about other projects. Each year, the survey results are published online (see our 2023 report) so that the information is accessible to everyone.
  3. Funds and support! 
    The data helps social skate projects to get support and the resources they need. Previous survey results have been used by skate companies and donors to guide their funding and equipment donations to social skateboarding projects, and have also helped our Goodpush Alliance team to create new resources, e-courses, and webinars to support your work. We'll also keep all survey participants informed of upcoming grant opportunities provided by Skateistan and Goodpush. 

Last year, 134 social skateboarding projects worldwide filled in the survey, and we hope to hear from even more this year!


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The survey is also available in Portuguese!

Since there are so many social skateboarding projects in Brazil, we also have a Portuguese version of the survey which you can fill instead of the English one. 

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