Right from the start, the idea with the Goodpush Alliance was to find ways to build connections between skateboarding-for-good projects around the world, and to make it easier for us to share our knowledge and resources with each other so that we can all do even better work.
We're now super excited to launch the Goodpush Community, which features a first-of-its-kind forum dedicated to all things social skateboarding. We've also created a map of 100+ social skateboarding projects worldwide, so you can see what activities are already happening and by which organizations. In future, members in the Goodpush Community will also have access to members-only resources and trainings, and will also be able to contribute their own content!
STEP 1: Register now
STEP 2: Use the Community Forum to connect with other social skateboarding projects globally, such as to get feedback, share resources, arrange equipment donations, find out about grants, or find volunteers.
STEP 3: Check out the Map of Social Skateboarding Projects – to add or edit your project, register to be a member!
Please send us any feedback or ideas you have to make this space better, and we hope you find it useful.