Collective Impact Model for Social Skateboarding

It’s time to prove the positive impact skateboarding can have!

Since the Goodpush Alliance was launched in 2018, one of the key areas we’ve been supporting our community in is monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL). MEL is the way that we ensure we are doing good work, improving our practices, and it allows us to prove this to others.

Now, Goodpush is aiming to bring together a global network of social skateboarding groups to measure the impact of inclusive education and skateboarding activities for youth and marginalized communities.

In February this year, a dozen organizations working across 15 countries connected to sketch out a big-picture plan for tracking the awesome impact of the social skateboarding movement worldwide.

But now we need the broader social skate community's input on whether this draft is reflecting everyone's work on the ground. Let us know if the TOC represents and aligns with the actual work and objectives of your organization by answering a few questions in our survey via the link below.

Find out more and check out the draft Goodpush Theory of Change here!