Goodpush Member

As a follow-up to the Pushing Boarders event in Malmo this past August and the 'Spaces' breakout group organized by Chris Lawton from Skate Nottingham, they've now set up the Re-Verb – Spaces Facebook Group to "talk about urban spaces, policy, architecture, landscapes, planning, DIY, community organising and advocacy". If you're interested in these topics check it out! More info below. 

"This Community Group has been set up to bring people together who are involved in applying their interest in skateboarding to transform urban spaces - including, but not limited to, skaters who are architects, landscape architects, skatepark designers and builders, DIY heads, urban planners, academics, economic development and regeneration professionals and community organisers. It aims to enable us all to share practice, research, contacts and mega-stoke following the 'Spaces' workshop at the Pushing Boarders 2019 conference in Malmo."