Goodpush Member



PLEASE HELP! I am stuck in ANALYSIS PARALYSIS. I need help with getting my program running. I am an expert teacher/educator, moderate skateboarder, but majorly lacking in business relations department. 


I want to start an afterschool skateboard class either in a school or a community space. The plan is to start with one small class/group and i will be the teacher myself until that becomes successfull then I plan to expand. 


What i need major guidance with is , getting it up and running. Like, who should I talk to at the school district? Should i try to get a contract with them, or would it be easier to start out independently at a skatepark? Maybe that would have less barriers?


Either way, I am really stuck with initiating this. Can i post flyers around the community to get kids/families to sign up? 


Side note: I am nueordiverse and autistic, my communication skills are lacking, which makes it hard for me in the 'business' relations side. BUT my education and understanding of teaching, learning as well as my ability to relate to and connect with underprivledged and at-risk youth are off the charts. 

I would appreciate any help on DIRECT ACTIONS/STEPS, scripts, email templates, etc to connect with school districts and community centers (like Boys and girls clubs).  

If anyone has more info they would like to share privately or would like to get involved please email me: 

We are looking for board members with expertise in business communications, finance, web/graphic design, marketing. 


Skate Motivate Educate is a registered non-profit.




THANK YOU SO MUCH for your time 🙏🏼


Hi sme2022  -- apologies for the delayed reply! 

If you're just starting out it might be easiest to first reach out to existing indoor skateparks in the area to see if they'd be interested to let you host some skate classes there. Then once you have a space and time when you can run the classes, you can advertise with posters, social media. 

I see that you're in the Bay Area. It could be a good idea to connect with Skate Like a Girl who area running skate programs already. Maybe they would want to partner with you on running something?

You can also get in touch with us at the Goodpush Alliance to set up a free support call where we can talk through your ideas and give some more adviece --

Good luck!


Hi sme2022 !

This is what we do at First Push Syndicate, although we are on the Physical Education side of things! I am also a PE teacher and have dealt with a bunch of admin trying to get our program into schools in the New England area. If you're hosting at the school for an after school program, I'd connect with your admin as well as your School Parent Organization. Would be a great opportunity to get some momentum with the PTO. We don't exactly have an email template but I would highlight the benefits of skateboarding- Physical, Social and Emotional learning that student gain from it! It would also help maybe to connect with your PE teacher, maybe they could assist! 

Create a sign-up sheet to see what the interest is. Explain your expectations and what you want students to gain from the after school program. Once that is done, you'll probably have to have some form of safety waiver. I'd get the school nurse on board just in case. 

As Rhianon stated as well, connecting with organizations in your area would be good to get the ball rolling as well as your local Boys and Girls Club would be good if they wanted to help and share their space, somewhere the kids could meet and utilize. 

Awesome idea! Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help! I'll try to see what I can dig up for resources!

Braden Verge