Top 5 Ideas for Keeping the Skate Spirit Alive in a Lockdown

Across the world, we've all been affected to some degree by the current pandemic.  Amidst the frustration of not being able to run our regular sessions, we’ve all been doing our best to figure out ways to adapt.  

We've been so stoked to see how many people have been coming up with creative ways to keep the skate spirit in the lockdown.  We wanted to share the top 5 skate at home activities which we've seen embraced by members of the Goodpush community and beyond!  

Only try these if you have a safe space to do so, and have fun!

1) Use a roller and a deck to practise your balance:

2) Here’s one you could with a mop or a broom - set up your own Hippie Jump practise station:


A post shared by Janaki Anand (@skate_janzz) on

3) Get Crafty!  Make your own skateboard out of card:


A post shared by Free Movement Skateboarding (@freemovement__sb) on

4) Get your pets involved:


A post shared by Duke Of Hijinx (@beagleoneism) on

5) Spruce up your housekeeping routine with some manual practise!

We hope these give you inspiration to keep active in a less-than-ideal situation.  If you have ideas for other ways to stay stoked at home, please send them our way!  You can send an email to, or tag us on social media.