The results of the 2023 edition of the Survey of Social Skateboarding Projects Worldwide by Skateistan and the Goodpush Alliance are now published!
In 2023, we received answers from 134 skateboarding projects working in over 42 countries worldwide — who reached a combined 14,354 participants each week.
This year’s survey was available to complete in Portuguese, Finnish, French and English. A huge thank you to our translators who made that possible. If you would like to help us publish the future surveys in more languages, please get in touch.
The purpose of this annual survey — running since 2018 — is to better understand and document the aims, impact and activities of the social skateboarding world and to support social skate projects through the creation of resources, tailored trainings and access to the wider network.
In 2023, we see an increased focus on the soft skills associated with running skateboarding programs and working with (often marginalized and/or vulnerable) young people. While skateboarding still features in the top five most important skills for skate projects, the other selections emphasize the social elements of our projects: cultural understanding and respect, communication and mentoring skills, empathy and compassion from skateboard coaches.
This year, we also see the highest total combined budget of skate projects since launching the survey in 2018, demonstrating the remarkable resilience of projects returning to full strength after the challenges of COVID-19.

Overview of Key Results:
Who are the project participants?
- The 134 projects combined work with approximately 14,354 participants weekly and 44% of these participants are girls
- 59% of projects work with people of color
- 57% work with the LGBTQI+ community
- 45% work with people with disabilities
- 37% work with migrants and refugees

What programs do the social skate projects offer?
- 74% of projects run regular skate programs (at least once every week)
- 48% run education/mentoring/arts workshops
- 47% run girls-only skate sessions
- 28% run LGBTQI+ skate sessions
- 7% run remote or online sessions

These results align with the trends we saw last year with rises across the board. Most significantly, the percentage of projects offering weekly LGBTQI+ sessions has doubled again, and the number of projects hosting girls-only sessions rose by 13%. The percentage of remote sessions has continued to decrease, which we expect to see as programs worldwide are up and running again after COVID-19 restrictions have ended.
What are the annual budgets of skate projects worldwide?
The total combined budget of all 134 projects is 12,323,500 USD. These figures suggest that after the challenging period of lockdowns and program hiatus’, social skate projects around the world have sustained themselves and even developed their programs now that they are up and running again. This is the highest total combined budget we have seen since launching the survey in 2018.
- 25% of projects have an annual budget of 5,000 USD or less
- 22% have an annual budget of 5,000-20,000 USD
- 12% have a budget of 20,000-50,000 USD
- 12% have a budget of 50,000-200,000 USD
- 7% have a budget of 200,000-1million USD
- 3% have a budget of more than 1million USD
- 19% of projects do not know their annual budget
Some projects who wrote ‘do not know’ commented that their project is in its initial stages, that they are currently applying for funding, or that they operate relying on small amounts of self-funded donations/donations from parents and friends.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to fill out the 2023 survey, and a very special thank you to Cibele from Confederação Brasileira de Skate (CBSk) and Tiina from Pirkanmaan Kaarikoirat ry for their help with translating and promoting the survey.
These survey results will help to shape how the Goodpush Alliance serves and supports the social skateboarding community worldwide in 2024 and beyond. Look out for tailored events and resources in the coming months which we are designing to help projects to utilise the results of the survey for their benefit.

A big thank you to all the projects that completed the Social Skate Survey in 2023:
- ASSB - Associação de Skate de São Bento do Sul
- Associação escola skate bob
- Projeto Base Dois Skate Social
- 2 das Minas
- Ecola de Skate de Toledo
- Escola de skate tio jone's
- Geração Radical
- Ong mundo da lua
- ONG Skate Salva
- Escola de Skate Monte Mor
- Associação Vicentina de Esportes Radicais
- Instituto Ademafia
- MisterSocialSkate
- Pantaneiras Skate Girls
- Projeto SkaTEA
- Projeto Skate Ativo
- Escola de skate espírito livre
- Skate de Verdedade
- Skateboard social Salvador
- Prefa Skate Kids
- Skate nas Escolas - Associação Forquilhense dos Atletas Amadores (AFAA)
- Ponta do skate
- Skater Boys / SB Skate Plaza / SB Skate School
- Skate XP
- Shoobyduby
- Skateboards For Hope
- The MNSTR Skate Initiative
- BRC Skateboarding
- Skatelife
- Spectrum Skateboard Society
- Pitikwe Skatepark
- Push To Heal
- 100% Skate Club
East Timor
- Tyttörullalautailijat ry
- HELride Collective
- Pirkanmaan Kaarikoirat ry
- Tytöt shreddaa
- Jyväskylän rullalautailijat Ry
- Adhd skeittikoulu
- Siblings Helsinki ry
- Frigo Skateboardskole
- Arena Bekkestua - Ungdom og Fritid Bærum Kommune
- Ungdom og Fritid Bærum Kommune (Bærum Municipality)
Sierra Leone
South Africa
South Sudan
The Netherlands
- The Baby G Experience SB
- New Wave Skate Rotterdam
- De Rollende Mina's
- Women Skate the World / New wave (NL)
Trinidad and Tobago
United Kingdom
- Keep Rolling Project
- New Wave Skate UK CIC
- Skate Southampton
- wheels extreme Cic
- Community East CIC
- South coast skate club c.i.c
- Brighton & Hove City Council
- Skate Nottingham CIC
- tic tac skate school
- Skatepark use and well-being project Inverness
- The Boarding School
- Skating Community of Northwich
United States
- Forgiven Skate Church
- Skate Wild Foundation
- Project Lifelong
- Launch: Community Through Skateboarding
- Neighbor Skateboard Company
- Village Skatepark ATL
- Surf Skate Science
- Skate Like a Girl
- Stronger Skatepark
- First Push Syndicate
- Square State Skate
- Pushing Ahead
- Friends of the Ann Arbor Skatepark & Peace Neighborhood Center
- Caravana Skate
- Board 2 Tears
- Bronx Girls Skate
- Cincinnati Skatepark Project
- Cumberland Skatepark
- Exposure skate
- Look Back Library
- Papalaxsimisha
- Why So Sad?