Commitment to Anti-Racism – Working Group Members
Sandy Alibo, Founder of Surf Ghana
Rhianon Bader, Goodpush Alliance Manager at Skateistan
Jessica Forsyth, Co-Founder and Execute Director of the Harold Hunter Foundation
Yash Presswalla, Founder of Impact Skate Club
Steven Wolfe, Founder of SOLID Foundation
Micaela Ramirez, Founder of Poseiden Foundation
Mbali Mthethwa, MEL Manager at Skateistan
Nanja van Rijsse, Co-Founder of Women Skate the World
Talia Kaufman, former Programs Director at Skateistan
Will Ascott, Co-Founder of Free Movement Skateboarding
Ray Mendez, Creative Director at the Harold Hunter Foundation
Brian Goglia, Co-Founder of Good Times Familia
Kevin Ortiz, Director of Programs for the Harold Hunter Foundation
Susie Halsell, Founder of Bangladesh Street Kids Aid
Indigo Willing, Co-Founder of Consent is Rad
Kopano Tong, former Educator at Skateistan South Africa
Shane Carrick, Programs Director at Make Life Skate Life
Jim Thiebaud, Vice President at Deluxe Distribution
Toni Frallicciardi, Founder of Surf Skate Science / Christian Skaters International
Wendy Ngwenya, former Educator at Skateistan South Africa
Julen Arizmendi, Goodpush Alliance Intern at Skateistan
As members of the global skateboarding community, we have come together to make a collective commitment to actively resist and challenge systemic racism in our own scenes, organizations, the skateboard industry, and wider society.